

Springfield_AnatomyEbook_Thumbnail.pngWhen and where legal, there are many positives to carrying a pistol concealed. Chief among them is the lowered visibility to the outside world. The whole point of concealed carry is to be discreetly armed.

When it comes to drawing your concealed firearm, though, how do the experts do it? What’s the safest and most efficient way?

Our e-book, “Anatomy of a Concealed Carry Draw,” demonstrates:

  • The two-handed draw and re-holster
  • The one-handed draw and re-holster
  • Safety guidelines for firearm handling
  • Our top recommendations for concealed carry pistols

If you want to carry like a pro, make sure you can draw like a pro.

Download the Springfield Armory e-book now, and our experts will show you, step by step, exactly how to draw like a pro.


Enter your information below and submit to download the e-book.